Why To Get an Immediate Dental Implant in San Antonio

Dental implants in San Antonio

A nasty fall on the stairs, and you don’t end up with a few bruises and cuts. Sharp pain in the jaw indicates that something is not right with your teeth. A look in the mirror confirms your suspicion. You seem to have one or more teeth damaged. A visit to the dentist in San Antonio will only prove what the next step is. If your teeth are badly damaged, then the only option is to get them replaced. You won’t be looking good with gaping places in the jawline. According to an experienced and the best dentist in San Antonio, you can opt for immediate dental implants.

Dental implants have known to show incredible results once they are placed in the right place properly. It is also known to be lasting for many years. One of the positive sides of getting a dental implant is that it is suitable for most patients, even at a high tooth decay risk. Getting dental implants might take a long time, but in the hands of a skilled dentist in San Antonio, that timeline can be drastically reduced.

How is an immediate dental implant different from a traditional implant?

Technically there is not much difference between the two. The only thing that makes them different is the timeline for placement. In a traditional dental implant, your dentist places the implant into a jawbone that has healed for three to six months following a tooth extraction or a tooth lost due to a fall or an accident.

Best dentist in San Antonio

When you opt for an immediate dental implant, that timeline is reduced. Those three to six months are not present. In the event of missing the tooth, your dentist will immediately place the implant. There is no waiting for the bone to heal. That is why it is called ‘immediate.’ This means that while the jawbone is recovering in the extraction socket, the healing also occurs around the dental implant.

How does an immediate dental implant score over the other?

Many patients often come to the dental clinic in San Antonio, pointing that they don’t have much time in hand. These patients are, therefore, good candidates for a dental implant. The timeline is short, and the healing is hassle-free. Apart from the shortened time frame, another significant plus point of getting dental implants in San Antonio is that it offers your dentist to use an immediate provisional crown over the implant. The implant heals under the gums without anything filling in the missing tooth space. When you get an immediate implant, you have the option to get a provisional crown at the same time. For some patients, the provisional crown might not be suitable. You can always trust your friendly and professional dentist to come up with a solution to fill the tooth.


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